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Scandalous Past Page 5

  “You’re so beautiful, Jessica” he murmured, sucking hard on my nipple. I bit down on my bottom lip smothering the pleasurable pain that shot through me, squirming as a familiar deep-rooted wave of warmth washed over me. Consuming me. A powerful rush of a warm fuzzy feeling rushed at me as an explosion of pleasure took over.

  I rolled my hips, thrusting against his fingers, pushing him deeper within me, hitting every soft tissue possible. I lay there shaking as an overwhelming release tingled throughout my body forcing me to feel light-headed and in a dreamy state.

  “No more…No more” I finally whimpered, pulling away, to swollen and satisfied to continue anymore.

  Cillian withdrew his fingers and kissed me. The bristles of his beard scratched against my flushed cheeks. I grabbed at his waist, tugging at his suit pants, just enough to expose his erection.

  “I don’t have any condoms” he rushed against my mouth.

  “I’m in birth control” I panted.

  He worked his mouth against mine as he battered into my sex so quick. Slick from my orgasm he slammed and pounded harder.

  “Fuck, Jessica” he groaned in ecstasy.

  My core tightened, I scrunched my eyes shut, wrapping my legs tightly around him, needing him as close as possible.

  I could have laid there with his dick in me all night long. Only the annoying noise of my phone interrupting us, had my inner bitch falling to her knees crying. I was so close to having the man I finger fucked myself over.

  “Fuck!” I hissed, swearing in frustration. Cillian gently pulled out. We both sat up, pulling away from each other slightly.

  I scanned the bar for my bag.

  “Leave it,” Cillian said in a strained voice, leaning closer and kissing my neck.

  I closed my eyes and groaned.

  “I can’t,” I replied, wanting to stay right there with his mouth on me. There was no doubt about it, my body needed another release that had built from Cillian finger fucking me into a frenzy.

  I forced myself to get up, to leave the man I had wanted for so long.

  This better not be another bogus caller.

  I had been getting them quite a bit lately. I pulled my halter neck top half over, fiddling with the thin material to tie it back in place. I darted towards my clutch bag. Reaching inside, I frantically searched for my phone.

  “It’s Macey,” I said, looking down at the caller ID. I glanced over my shoulder, giving him an apologetic smile.

  “Macey,” I answered, steadying my breathing, walking towards the window and scanning the crowd looking for her.

  “Where are you?” I asked her, having realized I couldn’t hear music in her background. I lowered my gaze to my feet, feeling guilty that I didn’t stay with her. I moaned about her not enjoying our girly nights out - only to have abandoned her to do the same thing. But it was Macey’s actions that had irritation bubbling within me.

  “Wait! With those guys, we were dancing with tonight? You don’t even know their fucking names!” I warned. She preferred it that way. No names gave her a thrill of having a stranger fuck her.

  Rubbing my forehead, I drew a breath before speaking. Macey began giggling, as the men began speaking over her in the background.

  “Macey” I snapped, trying to get her to pay attention to my voice “You can’t just take random guys to my apartment!” I was shocked that she would do something like that, my new apartment had become my safe haven and I was determined to keep it that way.

  I turned to see Cillian tucking his white shirt back into his suit pants, his gaze hardened as he stood listening intently.

  “You’re at my apartment already!” Growing more frustrated by the moment, and making a mental note to take back the spare key I gave her months ago.

  “Macey, you get your ass back here right now!” my teeth clenched in anger “Mace!” the line went dead.

  “She just hung up on me! Fuck!” I hissed, I caught Cillian’s gaze as I looked up. I placed my phone in my clutch, making my apologies.

  “I’m sorry Cillian, I have to go.” I darted towards the staircase.

  “Jessica!” Cillian shouted as I fled the room.

  “I have to go!” I repeated, without looking back.

  I quickly made my way down the stairs.

  I pressed the exit button that was by the glass panels, willing the doors to open quicker before Cillian had a chance to try and stop me. I pushed my way through the crowd, cutting people off as they offered smiles and gestures to dance.

  With both hands on the double frosted doors, I pushed through, hurrying to make my way up the stairs, to exit the club.

  Barging past the doormen.

  “Sorry, I’m sorry!” I mumbled, scanning the traffic.




  “Jessica!” I turned to the sound of Cillian calling my name. He stood in front of the entrance of the club, the two bouncers at either side of him.

  “I don’t have time to explain,” I shouted in frustration, his doormen stood observing the situation, worrying something was going down. I turned away from him, walking towards the corner, in hopes I could flag a taxi down.

  Standing by the curb, I pulled my phone out to call Macey.

  “Pick up the phone Mace” I muttered, “God, damn it!” Knowing damn well, she would be deliberately ignoring me.

  I tried calling her again but still nothing.

  As a taxi began approaching, I reached my hand out for it, about to walk towards it only to find a black car screeching to a halt in front of me.

  Rude! The driver must have seen me.

  “Get in the car Jessica” A voice begged. I crouched down more, allowing me to see it was Cillian, not amused in the slightest.

  “I have to get home!” I protested.

  “Get in the God damn car!” Feeling agitated at his tone and in a hurry to get home before Macey did something she would regret, I opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat.

  “Just because we fucked. It doesn’t give you the right to bark orders!” I exclaimed, slamming the door shut with a lot more force than I would have.

  “You can’t just run out and not tell me what the hell is going on!” He snapped.

  “It’s none of your god damn business” I scowled.

  I wasn’t angry at Cillian, I was angry at Macey but she wasn’t anywhere near me, for me to snap at.

  I kept my attention on the flow of traffic, suddenly feeling guilty. I should have been grateful for him going out of his way to give me a lift home.

  “I’ve always found your fiery temper captivating Jessica. That is one of the many reasons why I’m attracted to you.”

  I found myself over-analyzing his whole statement. The way he described me, his voice soft and delicate. I was aware he knew how fiery I could be at times - being a big part of my brother’s life, he had witnessed my temper flare-ups over the years.

  Passionate was a word my mom preferred to call my strong personality.

  “You are different from everyone else. You have your own style, and you are not afraid to speak your mind, and tell it how it is.” Cillian declared.

  He’s right, I’ve always had a sense of style that has strangers looking at me as if I don’t own a mirror. And my mouth has always gotten me into trouble -telling people how it is. Apart from when I was with my ex-boyfriend Elijah. Somehow, he had managed to mold me into his puppet, forcing me to find out the hard way - just how much someone who claims to love you, can hurt you.

  Maybe, if I spoke my mind more freely with my best friend – just maybe Macey might have been behaving differently.

  I blamed myself for Macey behaving so reckless. If only I could summon the strength to tell her it’s okay to grieve, that it’s okay to shout out in frustration. Maybe it could help her move on, allow her to heal that little bit more each day from her father passing.

  Instead, I pushed it aside in case she got upset or pushed me away. I looked dow
n at my fingers feeling like a fraud, knowing damn well, I should have scolded her months back when I noticed a change in her behavior. I should have told her then - that it’s not okay to use men because she’s hurting.

  She was getting trapped in a vicious circle and she wasn’t prepared to seek help. I began feeling more guilty as each second passed, for not staying with her back at the club.

  “I’m going to take you home. The sooner you attend to Macey. The quicker I get to fuck that sweet little cunt of yours.” Cillian quickly snapped me out of my train of thought. His lusty tone had me turning my head to avoid looking at him. I didn’t want him to see my bottom lip quivering. He had me moist, just with the words that rolled off his tongue. Feeling a blaze of heat flash over my cheeks at the thought of finishing what we started, I said nothing for a few seconds, trying to calm my body down.

  Thinking of what to ask him, to change the subject, anything that would make me feel less aroused!

  I sat quietly, taking in my surroundings.

  Realizing, I hadn’t told him my address, yet he was driving in the right direction.

  “How do you even know where I live?” I curved my body sideways to face Cillian. Carefully watching him as the street lights passed through the car every couple of seconds, allowing me to see his face clearer.

  “Riley told me,” he said casually.

  “Does he tell you everything about me?” I asked, dryly. Growing more annoyed he knows more than I initially thought or anticipated - all thanks to my brother.

  “Just what comes up in conversation?” he shrugged, he ran his hand through his hair, quickly taking his eyes off the road for a split-second to see me watching him.

  “What else?” I demanded to know with a raised brow “You know about my salon. You know where I live. Do you know the dates of my God damn menstrual cycle?” I asked, in an acid tone of voice.

  “I know you recently broke up with a boyfriend.” He replied, keeping his eyes firmly ahead. A heavy sigh left him, no doubt unsure if he should have said that.

  I froze. Swallowing hard. “Riley told you about Elijah?” I was fighting the urge to phone my brother and give him a piece of my mind. But I knew Riley knew only what I wanted him to know about my breakup with my ex-boyfriend.

  I crossed my arms agitated, trying to keep calm.

  “He was worried about you. He needed someone to talk to.” Cillian replied, trying to make it sound less intrusive. I turned to look out the passenger window, my jaw pulsating in frustration as I tried to fight the oncoming tears that had started stinging my eyes. We were only seconds from my apartment I couldn’t think about Elijah or Riley.

  I’ll deal with my brother tomorrow!

  Cillian pulled over and cut the engine.

  Feeling more riled up than horny. Now fully aware he knew more about me than I’m comfortable with.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, before rushing out of the car and slamming the door behind me. I just wanted this night to hurry up and be over with. I walked the pebbled path that leads to my apartment, rummaging around my clutch bag searching for my keys. I peeped through the glass, scanning the lobby hoping Joe could buzz me in.

  Only he was nowhere in sight.

  I was unsure if he had finished his shift or was doing a walk around the building - something he once told me he does, just to kill some time on his shift.

  Finally, having found my keys, I held them up scanning my fob key.

  Gaining entry to the building, I made my way towards the elevators. I was grateful for my dad paying my rent on my new flat, there was no way I could afford the rent on the upper East side of the city. It made my dad feel less on edge, to know I was safe with the security guard and being close to him and my mom in Riverside. He could get to me in less than ten minutes if anything was to happen. The move was the best thing I had ever done. I was settled and felt more at ease from the chaos of my previous relationship.

  I stood pressing the button waiting impatiently for the elevator. My nails nervously picked at the material on my clutch. When the doors opened, a young woman stepped out smiling as she emerged from the small confined space, dressed in workout gear, she wore her blonde hair in a high pony.

  I nodded acknowledging her as I stepped in.

  I sagged against the chrome railing, taking in a deep breath, furious with Macey, for never taking her safety seriously. And not to mention Riley! I toyed with the idea of texting my brother, but he was more than likely working another double shift at the hospital. By the time he would get my text, I would be feeling less annoyed at him, and my choice of words would likely be alcohol influenced. Needless to say, I decided against it for the time being.

  The doors rattled, the clatter of metal caught me off guard as it stopped on my floor. It always took a few seconds longer to open than most elevators I’ve traveled in. Sometimes I’d prefer taking the stairs to avoid getting stuck - something I know I would not cope well with - being locked within a confined space. For such an upmarket apartment complex, the elevator was in desperate need of a safety check. I slowly inserted my keys, trying not to rattle all the keychains I had attached to them. With no idea of what I was walking into, I quietly reached down to unbuckle my heels, slipping them off to make as minimal noise as possible. The door gave a slight creak as I entered. I left the front door ajar, not wanting to shut it fully over in case anyone heard me coming in. I tiptoed towards the living room, placing my heels down one at a time, so they didn’t clatter against the wooden floor, ditching my house keys alongside my heels. Peeking in, looking around the Living room - kitchen area, I was confused to find no one was there. Makeup was strewn over the table from earlier as well as our bottle of liquor.

  I sighed and slumped against the hallway wall, relieved but still wary of Macey having left the club, with two men she knew nothing about. Maybe she saw sense and decided against having another one-night stand. I strolled to my room, more than ready to call it a night. Why should I be the one to worry if she can’t even be bothered to let me know where the fuck she was going.

  I could hear groans the closer I got to my bedroom. Grabbing the handle, I yanked it open.

  “Macey!” I called out. My mouth hung open.

  She was entangled with the man from the club mounting her from behind. My eyes darted to the creepy guy, standing at the bottom of my bed naked, holding his erection in his hand pleasuring himself as he watched them have sex. Macey noticed me, but her moans grew louder, always one for attention. However, the groin she displayed, was needier for men and the sex, not caring for the fact that I had walked in.

  There was no shame or embarrassment in the slightest, that another man was pleasuring himself or that I had caught them having sex in my bed.

  “Come join us, Jess!” She panted as they carried on with their sex session. I staggered backward, shocked that she would even think I would be up for something as seedy as a threesome.

  “No chance!” I turned abruptly, making a dash for the front door, refusing to have any part of it. Only I stopped when I felt someone grab my arm, trying to pull me back.

  Their grip tugged tighter as I tried to shrug them off. I turned to see the creepy guy, up close and too personal for me to be comfortable with. He was wasted, the stench of alcohol on his breath had me turning my head to the side, as he leaned into me.

  “My time to have fun,” He slurred.

  Panicking, I tried to break free from his grip.

  “Get away from me!” I hatefully replied through clenched teeth. Managing to wrestle my arm from his hold, I pushed him back with all my strength. His hands reached for both sides of the wall, trying to balance in an attempt to keep himself from falling. I rushed past him, needing out, desperate for air, the seedy touch of his hands had my insides twisting. Only, I wasn’t quick enough, he shoved me up against the wall with such force, pain seared through me. My hand instantly reached for the back of my head to check for blood.

  “You fucking piece of shit!” I hissed,
using the anger that had built up from earlier, I lifted my right hand and punched him, one blow after another, the force of my fist smashing against his face had me cursing at the pain forming around my knuckles.

  “Fuck!” I cried in pain, pulling my hand and cradling it to my chest. Carefully watching, hoping he would back off, it only forced him back a few steps. He looked up smirking at me, his eyes wide.

  “Fucking whore” he hissed, smacking me with the back of his hand. The force of it threw me off my feet. I landed with a thud. My face smacked against the wooden floor. It took me a few seconds to comprehend what just happened, pain radiated through my jaw. I rolled onto my back, to find the stranger looming over me naked.

  I felt rooted to the floor as fear paralyzed my body.

  “Help ̶” He kneeled down smacking his hand over my mouth, muffling out my screams. I kicked and thrashed about, desperately trying to release his hands from my mouth. It was useless he was too strong.

  Struggling to breathe, panic shot through me, I clawed at his hands, desperate for air. He grabbed me by my wrists with one hand binding them tightly together above my head, as his other hand roamed further under my dress.

  “Please” I whimpered “Please, don’t do this” Tears brimmed my eyes. Pressing all his body weight on me he nuzzled into my neck. “I’m just having fun” he snarled, tugging at my dress.

  Those words! I had said them to him earlier in the club after I had twisted his balls.

  My blood ran cold.

  This is it. He’s going to rape me. I closed my eyes, sobbing having tried and failed to get the disturbed stranger away from me. I mentally prepared myself for what was about to happen.

  It will be over soon. It will be over soon. I repeated over and over again forcing myself to stay calm. I found myself having escaped a monster in the form of my ex - just to be trapped by another.

  “Jessica!” My eyes sprung open at the sound of Cillian’s panicked voice “Get the fuck off her!” He leaped into action, grabbing the guy off me, throwing him against the wall. A high -pitched rasping sound escaped me as I tried to catch my breath. I pulled myself up onto my elbows in time to see Cillian throwing punches at the stranger.