Scandalous Past Read online

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  Macey turned her attention to pouring more shots. Showing her emotions had hit a nerve.

  “Your dad just worries about you, Jess. I wish my dad was still here, to pay for my digs and career. Or even just to have an argument with,” Macey said, her voice a little shaky, holding her composure as if it would be a bad thing for her to cry or show any emotion.

  It was selfish of me moaning about my dad. I still have both of my parents. Unlike Macey, whose father passed away eight months earlier. After a sudden heart attack at the young age of Fifty-Five. It was only weeks after her father’s death, I had noticed her reckless behavior. She began drinking more, even sleeping around with any guy that paid her attention.

  Anything to conceal her grief. It was a subject, I was wary of bringing up to her, knowing fine well she would shut me out. Something she does often when I try and get her to open up about her father. She had locked up that pain somewhere deep inside her and thrown away the key.

  She is not the wear your heart on your sleeve type of girl. Unlike Macey, I craved to be loved by someone that wanted me for me. I still held hope in my heart that I could find love so intense, it made me know life was worth experiencing the trials and tribulations that followed from heartache.

  “Speaking of salons. I want you to come and work alongside me, once the salon is open” I blurted out. She was miserable at the salon where she was based. It had not long been taken over by new management. I knew I would need to advertise for a hairstylist, once the salon was up and running, having only my cosmetology license in beauty, hairdressing was not a trade I wanted to take on. Not only could Macey’s skills bring in more potential clients. It could be a way to expand the business in the years to come.

  And to be working alongside my best friend whose creative streak always has me in awe of her talent would be ideal, and exciting to say the least.

  Macey’s eyes widened “You want me to come and work for you?” she quickly downed her shot before casting aside the glass.

  Her eyes suddenly narrowed.

  “Wait! That would mean you would be my boss” She pursed her lips, unsure.

  I raised my brow “I said with me! Not for me” There was no way I could be a boss to Macey.

  One; she would not stand for that one bit, and two; she would do the opposite of what I asked. It’s just her personality.

  She’s a typical Leo. Bold, stubborn and impatient.

  I’m surprised she lasted as long at the salon she was based. She constantly moans about the girls that work alongside her, and she also had nothing nice to say about her boss.

  I shifted in my seat, needing her to take me more serious. She looked dubious about the whole idea of us both working with each other.

  I held my hands up “Hear me out” I began.

  “Okay,” Macey said evenly.

  “You’re a talented hairdresser,” I said truthfully.

  “Yes, I am” Macey agreed with a smirk.

  “You already have clients” I pointed out.

  “Yes, I do” She interjected.

  I sighed impatiently “Mace! I need you to take this seriously” I gave her a look.

  She rolled her eyes “Fine! Go on” She shifted in her seat then sat focusing on me.

  “I’ll do the beauty side of things” I carried on “You do the hair. So, are you in?” I asked.

  Knowing fine well how to get her attention. I reached over and poured two more shots before turning to face her. I was positive by the end of the night I would be hugging the toilet or passed out on my bedroom floor.

  I noticed Macey had fallen silent. She cocked her head at an angle

  “So...You won’t be my boss?” She queried.

  I shook my head “No”

  “What if we fall out?” She was quick to ask “That will not be good for business or our friendship”

  I snorted “Why would we fall out?”

  She shrugged “I don’t know”

  “We have known each other for a long time. If we were ever going to fall out- it would have happened already”

  She shrugged knowingly “True”

  “Anything else?” I waited, hoping she wouldn’t drag her feet and be stubborn.

  “Do I get to pick and choose my working hours and days off?” I was willing to do anything to get her on board with my idea. So I simply nodded.

  “So, what do you say? Wanna work with your best friend?”

  “Count me in!” Macey finally shrieked, lunging at me. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. Forcing us back onto the couch, we rolled around laughing. Macey’s long black hair lay strewn over my face, as she bared her body weight on me, finding gaps where ever she could, covering me with playful kisses on my cheeks.

  “It’s going to be great,” she said with childlike enthusiasm.

  “I can’t breathe.” I croaked. My best friend was more like the sister I always wanted. Part of the reason I wanted her to come work alongside me was to try and help her with her grief in a way she wasn’t aware I was doing so. And to keep a close eye on her, it was only going to be a matter of time before trouble found Macey, the way she flaunts herself at men. Macey stood, grabbing my hands helping me to my feet. I adjusted my dress, back into position. My hands skimmed the clingy material that held my bust in place. My choice of outfit for our night out had me feeling sexy and daring. Whereas usually, I would have just tossed on jeans and a cami top.

  Lifting my head to admire Macey, her posture stiffened as she held up her compact mirror, pouting while reapplying her lipstick, tracing the Scarlet shade around her plump lips.

  She sensed me looking at her. Locking eyes with me, Macey snickered and gestured to her mouth “You may want to fix you’re…”

  I gently brushed my fingers over my lips thinking the worse “What’s wrong?” I muttered.

  She relaxed her body, giving her lips a gentle rub with her index finger, trying desperately to hold her laughter in as she passed me the compact mirror to have a look for myself. I held it up, she had left lip prints all over my face. I quickly rubbed at my face with the back of my hand. When it comes to my own makeup I’m lazy, to say the least, minimalistic with a bold lippy is my trademark look. I prefer to work on a client than myself.

  “How’s your mom with the whole salon announcement?” Macey inquired as she leaned over to pour more shots. I sat back down, taking a brief second to reflect.

  My mother would have preferred that I had followed in my dad and brother’s footsteps, and become a Doctor or even better - marry one and be the perfect wifey. Just like she had done after marrying my dad - giving up her career to have children.

  “I think she thought it was a phase. She knows now I’m not going to become a Doctor. It was never what I set out to become.”

  Macey looked at me and frowned “Why does she hate the idea of you owning a salon? Didn’t your mom do something similar to us? Before she married your dad.”

  My gaze snapped to my best friend “Mace! My mom studied Holistic Medicine. How in any way is that similar to what we do?” I questioned. My god, she could have people in stitches, from the words she comes away with at times.

  “You mean similar to my dad”, I said correcting her. It’s obvious she never listened to the conversations we’ve had over the years - unless it benefited her. How she could mix Beauty with Medicine had me ready to erupt into laughter at her expense.

  At times she comes across like a ditzy bimbo, but I love her for who she is. She can be funny especially when anyone asks her anything about Geography. I swear she knows what she’s doing and plays dumb for attention. That is for sure something Macey isn’t short of in her life.

  I wasn’t sure if Macey was listening to me, she was too busy looking down at her smartphone as she replied to an incoming text.

  I found myself mimicking the smile that had spread across her face as she quickly tapped over the touchpad.

  Now my curiosity was niggling at me.

  “Is it the guy
you were talking about earlier?” I questioned, with an urge to know. She was somewhat giddy when secretly messaging back and forth to whoever had her attention. I shook my head. Growing more confused by the second.

  I was filled with the desire to grab her phone off her and see for myself what this guy was saying – since my best friend hadn’t muttered much about him. But I decided against it - the last thing we needed was an argument to erupt between us.

  “Yeah” She was quick to say, with a coy smile, before quickly placing her phone in her clutch bag that matched the color of her bright lipstick.

  “How come you were nearly crying before - but now your beaming with excitement?”

  She shrugged “He said he was sorry and that he’s ready to listen when I wanna talk” As if that made up for everything.

  I frowned “And all is forgiven?” This wasn’t the Macey I knew and loved. My Macey would have chewed this guy up and spat him out.

  She remained tightlipped.

  Just who is this guy?

  My best friend wasn’t one for secrets, we didn’t have many between us, but I knew if she wanted me to know I would have been informed by now.

  But there was a slight uneasiness that arose in the pit of my stomach about the whole shady situation. Usually, whenever there was a guy that caught her attention she would drive me crazy talking about him.

  Only it was radio silence on the subject. Stillness. Not a peep from the one person that feels the need to tell me everything.


  The noise of my buzzer vibrated throughout the room, catching me off guard, and startling us both. I reached over and grabbed the receiver that was stationed on the wall above my couch.

  “Hello?” My gaze drifted to the clutter on the coffee table.

  It was security from downstairs. I had forgotten I had asked him to buzz me when our taxi had arrived.

  “Thank you, Joe. We’ll be right down”.

  I placed the receiver back into place “Quick, taxi is here! More shots!’ I squealed to Macey.

  “To best friends and work buddies!” Macey rushed the words as she handed me my last shot.

  “To best friends and work buddies,” I repeated in agreeance, gulping the liquor down.

  We both lifted our clutch bags off the couch, excited for the night ahead.

  Arriving downstairs, we stepped out the elevator with our arms linked, giggling. Macey had felt the need to tell me she had gone commando under her dress. I had to beg her to stop, as she was ready to hitch her dress up to show me.

  The clatter of our heels echoed throughout the reception on the White Ruskeala marble flooring.

  Joe, the only security guy I had seen on the front desk since I moved in six months earlier, lifted his head to the sound of us approaching. Always such a gentleman, the wrinkles around his eyes deepened as he smiled. He stood up to acknowledge us, his white hair curled under his black baseball cap.

  Smiling back at him “Hi, Joe.” We both said politely.

  “Evening girls” He replied in a soft caring southern voice, “Now, you girls stay safe and enjoy your night.” He added.

  He definitely wasn’t from San Francisco. His accent reminded me of the actor Matthew McConaughey.

  “We will” I smiled, as we neared the front desk.

  Macey leaned closer and whispered.

  “Do you think he’s married?”

  I shot her a look of disgust “Macey!”

  “What?” She shrugged “There’s something about a southern accent that gets me all hot and bothered”

  Not amused at her behavior “Just stop!” I hissed. He was old enough to be her father.

  I glanced at Joe who was too busy to have heard Macey’s comment, his attention had been drawn back to his little portable TV that was tucked under and out of sight at the marble reception desk.

  “Oakland Raiders?” I asked Joe as we walked passed, curious to know what football team was roaring in the background. Joe looked up, his eyebrows raised, surprised at me acknowledging a team.

  “Highlights of yesterday’s San Francisco Giants” He corrected.

  “Never had you down as a baseball fan Joe” I called out as Macey and I reached for the front of the building.

  “Been a true Giants fan all my life” He said proudly.

  Macey looked over her shoulder in the direction of Joe.

  “I bet you have a giant….-”

  “Macey!” I hissed harshly.

  My best friend couldn’t finish what she was planning on saying, as I know her well enough to know it was going to end up being crude. So I hustled her out the front of the building.

  To save us all from embarrassment.




  As the cab pulled up at Merchant Avenue, the queue for Oval nightclub was extended around the corner and seemed to be moving at a steady pace. It was the most talked-about Venue in town, the locals wanted to get on the VIP list to experience the popular DJ line up the club was promoting. This club, in particular, had become a favorite of mine, since my breakup. Somewhere new, with cheap drinks and some eye candy for Macey - eye candy she made her’s whenever it took her fancy.

  The muffled sound of bystanders talking among themselves saturated the air. Stepping out onto the sidewalk, the cold breeze caught me off guard. I wrapped my arms around myself waiting for Macey to pay the taxi driver. My apartment was less than a ten-minute walk from the nightlife San Francisco had to offer, but my best friend insisted on a taxi as she could hardly walk in her ridiculously high heels. Macey shuffled out of the cab flashing a piece of paper, smiling full of sassy attitude.

  “You got the driver’s number, didn’t you?” I sighed dryly, chittering from the coldness. Her appetite to have every man she saw was growing more dangerous by the day.

  Why she couldn’t just enjoy a girl’s night out was beyond me.

  “Ya, never know when it will come in handy.” Macey winked, stashing the piece of paper in her bra. We turned towards the club, attracting the attention of a group of young women, waiting impatiently to gain access to the nightclub. They mostly looked at us in a way that made them look mean. Jealousy, I presumed as they drew their eyes off us. Their stares mostly aimed towards Macey; she did have that essence about her.

  Slut with no morals.

  Men craved her and the woman hated her.

  Feeling cocky from the effects of the shots we had earlier, I grabbed Macey’s hand encouraging her to follow. We strutted towards the doormen. Giving off the confidence of models walking the runway.

  “Don’t ask questions, just follow my lead,” I whispered to Macey, without taking my eyes off the men guarding the club doors. I was sure the two doormen were newbies - they were not the regulars that worked the club entrance. I was also well aware they weren’t the same guys from the night before.

  My brother Riley hadn’t been out much lately with his shifts at the hospital. So, I knew they wouldn’t be any wiser if I was to use his VIP pass.

  We stopped in front of the men. The slender, tall guy towered over the waiting crowd, too busy checking clubbers ID and gesturing people into the building. Leaving me with the burly stocky man to get past.

  His shaved head made him look intimidating, it only drew attention to his long scar on his left cheek. Tattoos covered most of his hands

  Trying my best not to stare at his face.

  He pulled his clipboard in view, assuming we were on the VIP list, with his pen at the ready.

  “Name?” He asked bluntly, not making eye contact.

  “Riley Kelling,” I confidently replied. I saw from the corner of my eye Macey turning to look at me, at the sound of saying my brother’s name, she had not expected me to do something so bold, that was something that her outward behavior had done on occasion.

  The doorman peered up for a lingering second. His eyes glanced back and forth between myself and Macey before looking back down. I watched him closel
y check his sheets. Growing more impatient, the longer he took, I shifted from foot to foot doing my best to keep warm, surprisingly the evening breeze was nippy for August. I simply had enough; we would have been here all night, at this rate. With my hands resting on my hips, I challenged the bouncer, unsure if my tactics would work or leave me red-faced having to explain to Rileys best friend Cillian - who owned Oval, as to why I was pretending to be my older brother. His pretty-boy looks and buff body would have me stumbling over my words for sure.

  Why did I have to find my brother's best friend attractive?

  “I’m on the list,” I said curtly “Your boss is a close friend of mine and I’m sure he wouldn’t like us being kept waiting!” I warned, having a lack of empathy at lying to the stranger. The coldness had me clenching my teeth to stop them from chattering relentlessly. Macey was tugging at me trying to get my attention as a young child would do. I ignored her, hoping the doorman wouldn’t reach for his radio to check with Cillian.

  My heart started to palpitate at a rapid pace that had me swallowing a lump that was forming in my throat.

  Staring up at us, he nodded nervously, before granting us permission.

  “Enjoy your night ladies.” He stepped aside, allowing us to move past him.

  My eyes instantly drew to the mean girls who were next in line to get in. I held my gaze on the bitchy looking bimbo and smirked. My inner bitch secretly smiling alongside me.

  That’ll teach you not to glare!

  I extended my arm to open the club door, to allow Macey to go in first. I let out a shaky sigh, feeling relieved that I didn’t get busted for lying.

  I glanced at Macey who was staring at me in disbelief.

  I snorted “What?” Trying to contain my laughter.

  I gripped onto the chrome railing as we descended the staircase.