Scandalous Past Read online

Page 3

  “You caught me off guard there!” She admitted.

  “It’s a unisex name” I shrugged “The doorman was none the wiser. Plus, those mean girls were staring at you like you had two heads.” I announced. Knowing good and well, had I told her what I was going to do, she wouldn’t have been able to contain her abruptness. She would have demanded to see the boss man, causing a scene.

  “Bold as fuck” She declared with raised brows, at my choice of bypassing the queue.

  “I know, right?” Still in complete shock myself.

  It definitely was the alcohol that had made me more confident, there was no doubt about it, there was no way I would have done anything like that if I hadn’t been drinking.

  “I’m such a bad influence on you” Macey admitted, taking credit for how blunt I was with the doorman.

  “I blame it all on you” I laughed.

  I stepped down and watched Macey, she was struggling with the stairs in her ridiculously high stripper heels. The same opaque ones she always insists on wearing, whenever we go clubbing.

  We both pushed past the double frosted glass doors, entering the room with confidence. The R&b music was vibrating the entire room. Macey locked my hand in hers as she led the way through the swarm of bodies.

  Shimmying our way to the bar at the back of the room, men turned to leer at us.

  My eyes drifted observing how they watched Macey. Her tight little black dress was leaving little to the imagination, with her chin up and posture straight she took each step with confidence proudly showing off her curves that had men hypnotized with every step she took, her chest was on full display and she was absolutely loving the attention. Her black glossy hair was not quite straight but not quite wavy.

  We managed to find a couple of empty Red velvet swivel stools by the bar. Laying our clutch bags down, we rested our elbows against the cold marble. Macey instantly had the attention of a bartender. The man blatantly ignored a thirsty punter that held his cash out in plain view. He locked eyes with Macey with a glint of lust rooted deep in his eyes. It was like men were under a spell once they had seen her for the first time. She flashed him a smile, showing off her dimples, that’s how she got what she wanted. She was good at using her alluring beauty to make men desire her.

  Something that came naturally to her.

  Were as me trying to be sexy was awkward for everyone to witness. She flipped her long black glossy hair over her shoulder, leaning over the bar and squeezing her chest together, giving him an eyeful and having his undivided attention. I turned in my swivel seat, leaving her to flirt and order our drinks.

  I watched the crowd grinding to the beat of the music. One guy, in particular, caught my attention as he walked casually towards the center of the club. He observed the clubbers occasionally getting lost in the crowd that was jumping to the beats the DJ was mixing, I found it hard to take my eyes off him. His short darkish hair was combed forward, but slightly to one side. Handsome yet rugged-looking, he fairly stood out from the crowd.

  The dim-lit room made it difficult to clearly see him. The stranger towered over most men, he had to be about six feet at least. As he got out among the multitude of clubbers, he was scanning the room as if he was searching for someone. A bright beam of light locked onto him, before shooting to another part of the dance floor. My eyes widened. Having managed to get a good look at him.

  “Oh,……no!” I muttered to myself.

  Having just realized the handsome man I was admiring was my brothers’ best friend Cillian - the owner of Oval. An uneasiness washed over me, I suddenly remembered Riley had once told me the doormen always let Cillian know when he was at the club. I could only assume he was looking to have drinks and a catch up with my brother. I reached for the bar, grabbing the edge turning my stool back towards Macey, shrinking lower and pretending to be adjusting the strap on my heel.

  Macey put my drinks in front of me, at the same time she looked behind to see what startled me, a smile of recognition teased her lips.

  “Why don’t you just tell Cillian we’ve been coming here more often and you want a VIP pass? Instead of lying to his doormen?” She asked pursing her lips together, studying me.

  I straightened up, since going incognito didn’t work in my favor “I didn’t hear you complain at the time,” I hollered back as I downed my shot, to calm my nerves. I needed more alcohol to feel less giddy around Cillian. I never get shy around men - but for some reason when I’m in his company, everything in me aches for him to touch me.

  Sure, I’ve had crushes over the years, but there’s something about Cillian that has me thinking of him in a way that makes me blush. I was curious to know if he saw me at the bar, or even looked at me in a way that would have given me a hint of mutual attraction.

  “You have always liked Cillian, why you haven’t slept with him yet is beyond me!” Macey exclaimed in a baffled tone, searching my face for answers as she sipped her Prosecco.

  “If he was my brothers’ best friend, I couldn’t possibly describe the stuff I would have done to him by now!” She eagerly replied, taking another sip.

  That was such a Macey thing to say.

  “Let’s just be grateful you don’t have a brother. I also do not sleep with every man I see, unlike you.” I added, gloating as I raised a Twenty-dollar note from my clutch bag. Getting the attention of the same bartender, that Macey was flirting with earlier.

  “Same again, please!” I shouted over the music. I noticed he was watching Macey as he poured our drinks, completely ignoring me. Macey being her usual self had moved onto her next potential fuck.

  I turned, watching my best friend curiously as she scanned the room. I diverted my attention to where she was looking. She stood confidently, with her elbows etched on the bar.

  “Oh, she’s cute!” She squealed with delight, nudging me and nodding to a girl a couple of feet away from us. Wearing a slinky silver dress with ash blonde hair cascading down her back. The girl was a natural beauty.

  Shaking my head side to side, disagreeing with her “She might have a boyfriend,” I warned. That was Macey’s downfall. She didn’t give two flying fucks if someone was taken, she loved the thrill of having what wasn’t hers to take.

  I turned to accept more shots, followed by more Prosecco from the bartender. I shouldn’t have been encouraging her, but Macey was going to do what she wanted, regardless if I agreed or not.

  “You’re right,” She roared, making sure I heard her. She turned on her stool to face me.

  “Maybe I should try my luck with Cillian, he looks like he would be a beast in the bedroom!” She glanced over my shoulder scanning the crowded room.

  “Back off!” I ordered, raising my brows, feeling a slight pang of jealousy. There was no doubt in my mind Cillian would fall for Macey’s charm if ever given a chance. She has an essence about her men can’t refuse - like a siren luring in their prey.

  She held her hands up.

  “I’m kidding he’s not my type. Besides, you know the friends rule. No move on a crush. Potential boyfriend or fuck buddy” Macey replied, counting each rule on her fingers. I was surprised she was recalling our pinky promise from back in the day when we were discovering boys in our late teens. It was one I had set upon our friendship, as even back then everyone wanted to date her.

  A part of me had set those boundaries to stop any of us from being hurt by one another. It was one rule we as best friends abide by. We encouraged each other to down our drinks before grabbing our clutch bags and strutting towards the dance floor, blending into the crowd of strangers grinding to the beat of the music.

  The electric, upbeat and lively atmosphere was surprisingly different from other clubs we had explored. It was by far my favorite. Mostly because a shiver of excitement coursed through me at the thought of bumping into Cillian. Under the influence of alcohol obviously.

  We found a space on the dance floor where it made us the center of attention. Macey mouthed the words of Calv
in Harris - How deep is your love, back to me as we swayed, moving our arms in the air, to the rhythm of the beat. The large square dance floor lit up beneath our feet. Macey turned taking advantage of the barman walking the floor, offering free shots. With different flavors on display, she reached over and grabbed two red ones, passing one to me.

  Lifting the liquor to my mouth, the scent of the strawberry notes had me savoring the refreshing fruity taste. I sipped rather than gulping it. The bartender came closer to us, he watched me with a look of curiosity.

  I reached over and placed the shot glass back on the tray, having savored every drop.

  “Mmm, tasty” I shouted, catching the bartenders gaze, his eyes drifted down to me licking my lips. He leaned in, careful not to spill any of the drinks he had balancing on his tray.

  He grinned “Let’s do a shot together.”

  He stepped back slightly holding another shot up on offer before I had a chance to refuse. His model like smile captivated me. He was tall with inky dark hair slightly falling over his eyes, dressed in distress jeans and a black short-sleeved T-shirt that had the oval logo printed on the center. I accepted the shot from his hands, our fingertips touched as we gently clicked the glassware together. I tilted my head back, willing this one to stay down. The burning taste of Sambuca overwhelmed my throat.

  I held onto his arm, trying my best not to throw up.

  “No more,” I exclaimed, my hand quickly reached for my mouth.

  Please don’t be sick, please don’t be sick….

  He leaned in closer, giving me a whiff of cheap cologne, putting his arm around my shoulder “You okay?” He questioned.

  I nodded, gulping hard “Yeah” Brushing it off. I didn’t want to come across like I couldn’t handle the overpowering licorice aftertaste.

  “I’m Ryan,” He hollered to me over the music, stepping back, introducing himself with a handshake after taking the shot glass from me.

  “Jessica,” I called out. I offered him my other hand, watching as he lifted it to his mouth to kiss.

  His touch had me blushing.

  I was grateful for the low lighting, knowing fine well my Ivory skin would be showing all shades of crimson rose for sure.

  Macey was growing impatient, and she began tugging at me to dance with her.

  “Mace!” I moaned, giving her the eye, she pouted and said “Come dance with me”

  I turned back to Ryan “I gotta go” I grumbled.

  I waved at him as she pulled me back into the crowd. I glanced over my shoulder to get one last look, only to find him standing smiling at me, before walking away offering shots to other clubbers.

  Macey inched closer “What just happened?” She shouted, her gaze narrowed. I’m pretty sure she was confused as to why the bartender wasn’t hitting on her.

  I shrugged “Maybe you’re losing your touch?” I hollered “Or maybe he likes the less slutty girls more.” I added, I playfully stuck my tongue out at her. It was nice to see I also turned heads when I was out with curves galore, a name I reserved just for Macey.

  My best friend drew nearer, her hands curled around my waist, dancing seductively. I know Macey well enough to know, she was dancing to impress someone that had caught her eye.

  I did what I had been doing for months now and played along until she got who she wanted.

  My best friend nudged her head slightly to the two men close to us who had her attention. They stood leering, sipping their beers, unable to take their beady eyes off Macey. I felt sorry for them, knowing all too well Macey would disregard them as soon as she got what she wanted – Sex! They abandoned their drinks on the tall standing table where they were standing, close to the dance floor. Both of them slowly began cornering us like they were claiming their prizes.

  Macey was quick to turn her attention to the guy with blonde hair; his muscles visible in his tight white t-shirt with his tattoos on display.

  That left me to dance with his friend, he was tall but stocky, darkish hair, not ugly but probably had to try a lot harder when he’s out and about with the buff guy that Macey had her sights set on.

  The way his eyes were trying to undress me mentally, creeped me out. Macey was already in full slut mode, keeping her pick of the night wanting more. She allowed his hands to roam anywhere and everywhere.

  I knew I would be stuck entertaining the creepy guy until Macey got where she wanted with his friend. The stranger slowly started edging closer.

  His creepy smirk was unsettling.

  His hands reached up to hold my hips. I politely pulled away trying to keep my distance, doing my best not to encourage anything more than just a dance.

  I was distant and cold in manner.

  Only he kept pulling me to him.

  I pushed his hands away “Stop!” I warned, scowling at him.

  He leaned closer “I’m just wanting to have some fun” He snarled. With firm hands he yanked me close to his chest and kept one arm tightly around my waist, restricting me in movement. I didn’t trust strangers, not since my ex-boyfriend had exposed me in a way I could never forgive him for. The room was bustling and the music was blaring, no one would hear me even if I was to scream for help.

  I knew what I had to do. And it wasn’t going to be pleasant – for him.

  I refused to continue playing along by lowering myself, only to permit Macey to once again bottle up her emotions, by using sex as an outlet. We couldn’t just have a girls’ night, she was always on the prowl and yet again I was forced to feel like a third wheel.

  Luring him in, I seductively traced my fingertips over the strangers’ shirt, smiling innocently as he raked his hands through my hair. He closed his eyes, submitting to my gentle touch. I reached further down his jeans unbuttoning the front, just enough to slip my hand down to get a better grip. He gasped delightfully as my hand cupped his balls. With bodies surrounding us in the darkened room, no one was paying attention to us, we simply were blending in.

  Leaning in closer “You like that?” I teased.

  Lost for words, he nodded.

  “Good” I murmured in his ear, my face twisted with hatred. I grabbed so tight then twisted. His painful scream echoed in my ear. He crouched in pain and looked at me, his eyes bulging with anger, his nasty stare focused on me. I bent down just enough for him to hear my exact words over the loud music.

  “I was just having fun” I hollered smugly.

  I pushed him back, and he stumbled into strangers.

  I turned, needing to escape hoping he would pester someone else, and leave me the fuck alone.

  Deciding to hide out in the ladies’ room, I made my way through the crowd, politely trying to find gaps between a group of girls dancing seductively to Camila Cabello - Havana.

  Freeing myself from the hustle of clubbers, I glanced back from where I was - the stranger had moved on quickly, trying his luck with another group of girls; they had got his full attention with the way they dirty danced with one another. The scantily clad group of woman were quick to welcome him into their circle.

  I walked through the narrow corridor ahead, which leads to the ladies’ room. The door ahead that had staff only in bold writing swung open, and the good-looking bartender that gave me the free shot reappeared walking towards me with another full tray.

  I smiled at him, having gotten his attention.

  “Are all those for me?” I teased.

  His smile reached his eyes. “You can have another one if I can get a kiss.” He grinned, stopping in front of me.

  “Shot then kiss,” I replied compromising, eyeing up what color to pick.

  “Deal,” He held the tray closer to me. I picked the blue one, staying clear of the Sambuca. I downed the bubble-gum flavored shot, tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek.

  “There you go” I announced “Kiss for a shot.” I smiled at him as I placed the empty glass back on the tray. I turned and walked towards the ladies’ room, giving clubbers a chance to exit the bathroom before entering.

  “Come on! Don’t I even get your number or a kiss on the lips?” He whimpered, as I made my way into the bathroom. I turned around and gave him a playful wink before releasing my hold on the door, forcing us to be separated from each other’s company.

  I had no intention of giving him what he had hoped for. I was merely being playful. There was a queue of ladies upon entering, so I squeezed past the strangers waiting for cubicles and made my way to the nearest mirror to touch up my makeup. I opened my clutch bag and reached for my lippy. I applied the dark berry color to my lips, smacked them together and blended the color a little more with my finger. I rested my hands on the cold marble, staring at my pale complexion in the mirror. I was a sight for sore eyes. My cloudy blue eyes were bloodshot and glassy with dark circles under them that seemed to look darker from the harsh lighting.

  “Drunk and a mess” I muttered to myself, stashing my lippy away. As the ladies’ room got busier, I prepared to head back to Macey, hoping she would want a shot - anything to get her to the bar, in a bid to lead her away from the man she had her eyes on for a one-night stand.

  I yanked the door open and made a beeline toward the clubbers.

  “Jessica Kelling...” His voice lingered on my name. I stopped in my tracks. A shiver of excitement surged through me. I knew it was him! Just the tone of his voice instantly had me aroused. I turned and locked eyes with Cillian Claremont. The man who I’ve had a crush on for many years – who also happens to be my older brothers’ best friend. Dressed to perfection in an expensive black suit, his crisp white shirt had a few buttons loosened at the top, showing a hint of chest hair. His darkish brown hair was styled perfectly, with a low taper fade comb-over and a beard that was groomed to perfection. There was something appealing about a man sporting a beard and Cillian wasn’t any different.

  Leaning against the wall, with his hands in his suit pants, a ghost of a smile teased his lips as he gave me a once over. I admired him from a distance. Everything about him, made him stand out from every other man in the club. He oozed a combination of sex appeal, and strength with his brooding, dangerous playboy look. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was waiting for me to come out. I began biting down on my bottom lip, unsure of what to say, he straightened up from his position against the wall, walking confidently towards me with a smile that had my insides trembling. I opened my arms to embrace his incoming hug, he smelt amazing. Somehow, he always smelled the same through all the years I’ve known him. Clean and fresh with hints of spicy vanilla and cardamom. I found myself being curious as to what aftershave it could be.